Feature of the Week 8

Feature of the Week 8

Congratulations to our eighth Feature of the Week winner, @vinmig !

This gorgeous photograph was liked 2,261 times during its qualifying period on The Curious Camera Club’s Instagram page (@thecuriouscameraclub). As always, we were very proud to feature such a beautiful photograph, and extend our warmest congratulations to our worthy winner. Well done, @vinmig !

As with all our Feature of the Week winners, look forward to seeing this feature in the upcoming issue of C U R I O U S magazine, as well as lots more exclusive articles, profiles, advice and features, contributed by a range of talented creators with a passion for photography. Available from June 1 2019.

I was in a hurry entering Buenos Aires airport when I saw these two girls in red, smoking just below the red “No Smoking” logo – I saw instantly the picture in my mind. It was impossible to use my Fujifilm XT20, so I shot with my iPhone 7 Plus. A second later, the girls had moved. The whole moment was just one or two seconds.

I am a creative in an advertising agency in Paris. And I am a photographer the rest of the time. I shoot every day. I like to shoot people in their element with graphic lines. It is my drug.

Thanks to the Curious Camera Club for selecting me. It’s an honour.


Visit this talented creator’s Instagram page to offer your support and congratulations by clicking here.